Monday, March 16, 2009

Unexpected Goodies...and they smell good!

Hey everyone,

I found a surprise waiting for me after class today. It was packaged up in a brown cardboard box with a yellow Fedex label stuck on. I really was clueless as to what it was so with the package in hand I grabbed a knife and eagerly ripped it open. Guess what?!?! I was selected by to test out the new Herbal Essence Hydralicious products. I rarely ever get selected for this type of stuff so I was ecstatic. Inside the box contained 6 full size bottles of shampoo and conditioner wrapped up in cellophane, pink confetti and tied together with a pink ribbon. They also included some coupons to spread the word.
I am especially looking forward to trying out their featherweight shampoo and conditioner - I love big hair! Sadly, my hair ends up flat in 30minutes time despite my attempts. From the letter enclosed in the package, it is essentially shampoo and conditioner in a swirled mixture to evenly hydrate the hair. That's my interpretation of the letter. The products are sitting on my desk right now and I can smell it from my bed. Mmmmm, I will find some time to give these products a review once I get a chance to adequately test them out. For now....lets talk about my favorite product of all time. I use this every night and morning after I cleanse my face.

The product I'm talking about is: DISTILLED WITCH HAZEL

I have been using this routinely since last summer and I must say that this product is amazing. Witch Hazel is derived from a plant called Hamamelis Virginia Linne and can be used for a multitude of things. I mainly use it as an astringent (toner) and find that it is a gem for removing leftover makeup residue that your cleanser is unable to get rid of. This product also leaves my skin feeling refreshed and doesn't leave a tight feeling that I get from other toners. Initially, I was hesitant to use this product as I was unsure how the alcohol would react with my skin but I have yet to experience discomfort from using this product. No stinging! The only issue that I can foresee is that some people may be turned off by the smell. It reminds me of beef jerky but the smell disappears when the product dries which is just in seconds. Like with any toner, I like to apply my day or night cream right after applying the witchhazel to my face. I find that it keeps my skin feeling clean and moisturized for longer. Who knows, it could all be in my head! Another appeal to this product is that it is very cost effective and can be found in most drug stores. A 500ml bottle cost me about $8.00 and lasts for months. You can get the small 100ml bottles for about $2.00. As mentioned earlier, this product can also be used to treat bug bites, bruises, scrapes, etc.

Ingredients: Hamamelis Virginia Linne and Alcohol, Purified Water

Monday, February 16, 2009

It has been awhile!!!

It's been forever since I've updated this blog but I'll do what I can today. Since the strike has ended, school has been non stop work. Like right now, I should be writing my essay but procrastination is kicked in full force. Research papers are such a pain to write.

Anyways, I recently purchased the Ly-Na pearl face cream after hearing the rave reviews about this product. I got it at an asian grocery store for about $4.00. This cream is supposedly amazing when it comes to evening out skin tone and ridding scars and spots as well as whitening. The product reviews were quite promising so I bought it. However, I did an even more indepth research today and found out that it supposedly contains mercury in it. EEEeeek! I did an academic search through Medline, and couldn't find any legitmate claims about it. I'm probably going to see what else I can find about about the product and if it does infact contain mercury then I will definitely being tossing it in the garbage. Sorry for the blurry pictures but I didn't feel like retaking new ones.

Balmy texture and smells like baby powder.


Stearic Acid, Cetanol, Lanolin, Glyceryl, Monostearate, Isopropyl, Myristate, Sulfur

Net weight 10g Made in Tawian

More to come!!!